
A Spoonful of Sugar…

The clever and ever-so-simple message Julie Andrews conveyed in The Sound of Music—a classic if there ever was one—provided encouragement that thrilled a nation. We often chose to believe the obvious—that “just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down”—but it would have taken sugar fields much bigger than the “old cotton fields back home” to sweeten Super Bowl LV.

State Capital HIGHLIGHTS

COVID-19 vaccine pace rises while statewide hospitalizations drop The number of people in Texas hospitalized with COVID-19 has declined more than 28 percent in the past month, according to the Texas Department of Health Services. As of Feb.

State Capital HIGHLIGHTS

Vaccine pace picks up slowly The rate of COVID-19 vaccine administration is slowly increasing in Texas as we enter the second full month of shots going into arms. The Texas Department of State Health Services last weekend reported that about 1.6 million Texans — overwhelmingly frontline health workers, people over 65 or those with chronic health conditions —have received the first dose.

State Capital HIGHLIGHTS

Lawmakers start $7 billion away from target Texas House and Senate leaders appear to agree on their proposed budgets. Next, they just have to figure out how to cut $7.2 billion.

Choose Grace...

It is evident that we are living in a time where people aren’t interested in anyone or anything that doesn’t fit their narrative. In fact, a popular term that’s often used today is, “My Truth.” Essentially, if anyone disagrees with them, they are quick to throw them away or try to silence them. We live in a “cancel culture” that refuses to listen to others and only sees things through a selfish perspective. But there is no such thing as “My Truth” or “Your Truth,” there is only THE TRUTH of God’s Perfect Word. The Bible is the only measuring stick of morality and absolutes.

State Capital HIGHLIGHTS

Observers welcome quiet opening to Legislature The Texas Legislature opened quietly, which delighted everyone after the violence inside the U.S. the week.