Lamb County Leader-News Friday Night Football Spotlight: Olton

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Our Lamb County Leader-News Friday Night Football Spotlight took us out to Olton this week, where we spoke with Mustangs' Head Coach Ross Lassiter as well as senior linebacker, Jacob Marquez and junior quarterback, Raymond Ramirez to get their thoughts on last week's game against Dimmitt and their upcoming contest with the Texico Wolverines.

Thank you to our sponsors this week, whom without, these videos would not be possible:

Valley Ag Electric - Gold Sponsor

Olton ISD - Silver Sponsor

South Plains Irrigation - Silver Sponsor

West Texas Tire Works - Bronze Sponsor

Wellington State Bank - Bronze Sponsor

South Plains Waste - Bronze Sponsor

Video clips and interviews - Derek Lopez

Ads - Grata Reber

Video Editing - Tommie Marshall