Amherst Homecoming Court

  • Amherst Homecoming Court
    Amherst Homecoming Court

AMHERST HOMECOMING KING & QUEEN COURT—Honored as King and Queen of the 2020 Amherst High School Homecoming were Omar Reyes, Jr. (No. 1 Bulldog) and Crystal Garcia, with queen’s crown on her head, (both in center of back row). Other contestants on the back row are, left to right, Sergio Gonzales, Katarina Amalla, Yazmira Lopez; (the king and queen) and Jaime Garcia and Lizabeth Medrano. The two on the center row are Deserie Rodriguez and Jocelyn Salas. The flower bearing youngsters on the front row are Braelynn Winters, Yarel Beltran, and Xinena Torres. The King and Queen were crowned just before the football game began between the Amherst Bulldogs, (22); and the Wildorado Mustangs, (23). (Staff Photo by Joella Lovvorn)