Lift High the Cross...

  • Lift High the Cross...
    Lift High the Cross...

“Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim Till all the world adore His sacred name.” Most ordinations and installations that I attend include the hymn, “Lift High the Cross.” Yes, it sings well. As the pastors process in behind a lifted cross the imagery can be powerful. Yet, those are not the main reasons we include the hymn.

We sing, “Lift high the cross,” because we expect and anticipate that the cross and resurrection of Jesus will be the central focus of preaching. Preaching is the heart of the pastoral office. A person can talk about all sorts of things, but unless they proclaim the Bible and center their message on the Lord Jesus they are not faithful to their calling. We want, and expect, our pastors to be faithful to the teaching of the Bible. We want preaching that has a focus on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

We are not in church to listen to social work, politics, inspirational talks, social theories, or rules for living. The pastor is not a group counselor from the pulpit. The pastor announces the victory of God in Christ. We are here to receive and celebrate the gifts won for us in the cross and resurrection of Jesus. We are here to rejoice in the Christian hope.

We sing, “Let ev’ry race and ev’ry language tell of Him who saves our lives from death and hell.” We announce basic universal truths - truths needed by all people in all places. Jesus died as a substitute for sinners. Jesus is risen bodily to assure our own resurrection. The grave is not the end. God loves us so much He enters the world in the person of Jesus. Jesus comes to give us a new future in a New Heaven and New Earth. This world is far from the end of the story. The rest of the story awaits.

Today, on Holy Cross Day, September 14, a festival day in the church year, take some time to reflect on the significance of the cross. If you are not certain what to think, let me share you some ideas I borrow from Martin Luther. Think about who Jesus is on that cross: “true God begotten of the Father from all eternity and true man born of the Virgin Mary.” Think about what he did on that cross: “he purchased and won me from sin, death and the power of the Devil not with silver and gold, but with his holy precious blood, innocent suffering and death.”