City Council approves jogging trail at Aquatic Center


The governing body of the City of Littlefield, Texas met at 6 p.m. on Nov. 23 rd at the City Council Chambers, for the purpose of considering all matters and related incidents to the City of Littlefield.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Eric Turpen at 6 p.m. and Mayor Pro tempore Kenny Rucker led the invocation followed by Mayor Turpen leading the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was one person who requested to comment during the public comments portion of the meeting.

One new employee was introduced in Police Officer Jonathan Martinez.

The motion to approve the minutes from the Oct. 26 th and Nov. 9 th meetings was made by Mayor pro tempore Rucker and seconded by Council Member Michael Rangel. The motion carried.

Next, the Council listened to Departmental reports from the Police Dept.; Fire Dept.; EMS; Code Enforcement; Animal Control; Landfill; Water/Wastewater; Streets and Parks; Municipal Court; Monthly Financial Reports; Sales Tax Collection; Property Tax Collection reports; LEDC A and B minutes, if Boards met.

The motion to approve the monthly reports was made by Council Member Rangel and seconded by Council Member Eric Saenz. The motion carried.

The motion to approve the October expenses was made by Mayor pro tempore Rucker and seconded by Council Member Rangel. The motion carried.

The Council discussed an Ordinance of the City of Littlefield, Texas, adding

“Administration-Section 1.02.006 Credit/Debit Card processing fees” of 3% as provided in section 1.02.006 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Littlefield; containing a savings clause; re pealing inconsistent ordinances; and providing for the effective date thereof.

Mayor Turpen made the motion to approve the ordinance and to make it effective April 1, 2022. The motion was seconded by Council Member Rangel. The motion carried.

Mayor Turpen made the motion to approve the $32,625.00 change order number one for a jogging trail at the Aquatic Center Park and allow City Manager to work with concrete contractor for curb and sidewalk. The motion was seconded by Mayor pro tempore Rucker. The motion carried.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.