
Rest Is Part of Work ...


Leviticus 25: 4- 6. 26: 2, Ecclesiastes 4:6, Isaiah 56;2, Matthew 11:28-29, Hebrews 4:1-4.

It is part of rest when we go to the house of the Lord (church).

It is difficult for a person not to go through some kind of stress, it’s nothing new. But more and more it is increasing and I believe one of the reasons that the human been is abusing his body.

Weather we know it or not it is against what God has established.

I am sharing this so emphasize that rest is part of our daily journey.

According to Jehovah’s manual God left us his Holy Word, rest is “A Divine Principle”. I will share what Genesis 2:1-3 says: “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”

God’s plans and his provision for our lives in this planet are perfect.

It is important that the Lord has sanctified the day of rest. In Hebrew the word for rest is Shabbath. It is translated as “desista or cease or ceasing from doing something.”

The ones that search the Word of God interpret that when a scientist discovers something, the creator of God has already done it.

Rest is a time of recreation, all work ceases. He sanctified the day of rest.

Dedicate it to your Lord, to your family, and to yourself. (Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)