Lamb County’s Covid-19 Update


According to Lamb County Judge Mike DeLoach, there are currently 93 confirmed active cases reported in Lamb County. Confirmed means that the diagnosis has been confirmed through a (PCR) test, or a Positive Antigen Test, or presenting with symptoms and recent exposure to someone diagnosed with Covid.

Judge DeLoach stressed tha this number is not alarming. It is less than 1% of the population of Lamb County. It is rather a reminder that the Covid-19 virus as well as possible variants may be with us for a long time.

In the meantime people will go to work, attend schools and continue to take the recommended precautions to spread the disease. Judge DeLoach emphasizes consulting your doctor about your concerns of the virus, vaccines, medications, and proper steps to protect your health and the health of those near you.

Residents of Lamb County would be wise to consider the current conditions of overcrowding in the larger hospital systems of Lubbock and Amarillo and shortages of staff when considering their health decisions. Smaller local hospitals also may be ex periencing shortages.

The State Health Department is moving toward a long term management approach of Covid-19. Therefore, continue to wear a mask when indoors in a crowded public venue, social distance, and continue to wash hands often or use hand sanitizers which are at least 70% alcohol. And get vaccinated if you and your physician agree it is in your best interest to do so.