Hospital Managers hold lengthy meeting on Tuesday, April 20th


Lamb County Healthcare’s Board of Managers met for a regular business session at the hospital at 12 noon Tuesday, April 20, 2021, with Tony Barton, president presiding.

Other members present were Steve Busby, vice-president; Carla Synatschk, treasurer; Evan Mxwell, and Brenda Alcaraz.

Members absent were Jeni D. Brunson, Secretary; Booner Smith and Cindy Muller.

Hospital Staff members present were Cindy Klein, CEO; Joan Williams, Admin. Assistant; Elizabeth Vargas, Director of Nursing; Cindy George, MD and Rolando Rodriguez, MD.

Meeting called to order

Tony Barton, board chairman, called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.

There was no business to discuss during the open forum.

Minutes approved

After a review of the minutes of the March 16, 2021 meeting, Carla Synatschk made a motion, and Evan Maxwell seconded the motion, to approve the minutes, which passed unanimously.

Financial Report

Total cash flow at the end of March 2021 was $8,779,846. In patient is over budget $326,131, while outpatient revenue is over budget $1,080,047.

Revenue deductions are over budget ($2,007,283). Other operating revenue is under budget (87,385).

Total Revenue is under budget (687,931), while Revenue over budget without revenue deductions is $1,318,793.

Salaries and Wages are over budget ($207,485); Emergency Room Physicians are over budget ($48,982); General Supplies are over budget ($16,738); and Medical Supplies are over budget ($61,714).

LHC Family Medicine Clinic

LHC Family Medicine had a revenue before contractuals of $170,298.15, while the year to date revenue totaled $1,058,149.87. Total expenses for March were $171,147.07. The net of revenue and expense, which does not include contractuals is ($848,92).

The clinic had 1,520 office visits, and the total number of procedures were 39,006.

The revenue with lab came to $264,844.19, while revenue with write-offs is $211,808.98. Receipts totaled $133,187.84.

Olton Rural Health Clinic

The Olton Rural Health Clinic had a revenue before contractuals of $13,055.03, and total expenses of $19,309.54. The net of revenue and expenses is ($6,254.51).

The clinic had 128 office visits, and there were 253 procedures done.

The revenue with lab was $19,822.03, while revenue with write-offs was $17,520.78. Total receipts amounted to $9,708.75.

Medical Staff Report

Dr. George sated that thee medical staff discussed new lab equipment, Operation Room time, and COVID vaccines.

Dr. George also reported that the medical staff approved the reappointments of Cindy George, MD, with the LHC Family Medicine Clinic; Melissa Blann, MD, Ashraf Khan, Surender Bodhireddy, MD, Seshadri Thirumala, MD, Mary Eberly, MD, and Jose Pinto with AmeriPath, and Mark Harshany, MD and Lillian Cavin, MD with Direct Radiology.

Carla Synatschk made the motion, which was seconded by Brenda Alcaraz, to approve the reappointments, and the vote was passed unanimously.

Capital Equipment

Discussion was held concerning a new system that the physicians can swipe their ID Badge to see the patient’s information in the computer. That equipment will help with HIPPA violations, med errors, and other errors that can happen. The cost quote from Imprivata is $36,014.28.

Steve Busby made a motion, which was seconded by Carla Synatschk to accept Imprivata’s quote, and the vote passed unanimously.


Cindy Klein gave the board members a survey concerning the asbestos in the hospital. The survey showed that the cost for removing asbestos in construction areas is $13,500 up to $26,000. She also gave them rules from the Texas Administrative Code concerning construction at the hospital.

Cindy also presented to the board, copies of the COVID funds that have been used so far.

Steve Busby discusssed building a new building, versus renovating the Emergency Room area, and possibly having Lab and Radiology in that building also.

Carla Synatschk made a motion, which was seconded by Brenda Alcaraz, to look into the new building for the Emergency Room, and the motion passed unanimously.

A discussion was held concerning giving the Sheriff’s departent COVID funds up to $25,000 to help them do renovations for COVID rooms.

Steve Busby made a motion to give the Sheriff’s department up to $25,000 for their COVID renovations, which was seconded by Evan Maxwell, and the motion passed unanimously.

Steve Busby discussed the need for a building in Springlake to do COVID testing and vaccines for COVID. There could be a drivethrough so people can stay in their vehicles for tests and vaccines.

He gave a quote from Mueller, Inc., for a 100-foot by 50-foot building with floor plans (which can be changed) for $378,982.85.

Steve Busby made a motion, which was seconded by Carla Synatschk, to accept Mueller, Inc.’s quote, which was approved unanimously.

Committee Reports

Elizabeth Vargas ADON reviewed the Infection Control, Safety, and QAPI reports for March.

Administrator’s Report

Cindy Klein advised the board that they will be raising the OB nurse’s pay per hour, in hopes of being able to keep or recruit OB nurses.

The board members agreed to approve the absence of the three board members from the day’s meeting.

There was no executive session called so the meeting was adjourned at 2:19 p.m.