Dunbar-Littlefield alumni reunion set this weekend Sept. 2nd and 3rd


The 78th reunion of the former Dunbar and Littlefield alumni classes will be held on Friday Sept. 2 through Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022 at “Our Place” located at 301 S. Ripley Ave. in Littlefield.

The theme for the reunion is “ We’ve Come This Far by Faith.” Registration is from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 2, followed by Revival at 7 p.m.

Registration is from 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at “Our Place” on Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022. The parade line up begins at 10 a.m. on Texas Avenue., MLK Boulevard., and Griffin Street. The parade beings at 11 a.m. with Grand Marshall Jeremy Williams leading the parade. There will also be a performance by former Dunbar and Littlefield cheerleaders at Jay Birds Building.

After the parade, lunch will be served at “Our Place” at 1 p.m. The Dunbar Alumni Association will be serving hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, drinks and cookies from Tiff’s Treats. There will be presentations and other activities starting at 2 p.m. featuring March of Color and an instrumental recital performed by Miss Zamya Darnell.

There will also be a tribute to Mrs. Gracie Brockington-Young, a Bounce of Blessings, a memorial service and recognition of Jeremy Williams. There will be a performance by Young Men of Dunbar followed by the presentation of Special Awards.

There will be activities, such as games, cards, dominoes, trivia and more. Choir practice is from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. followed by a dinner at 7 p.m. The Dunbar Alumni Association will be serving brisket, chicken, links, potato salad, baked beans, cobblers, bread and drinks.

Sunday, Sept. 3, starts with church services at 1 p. m. at Peace Deliverance Baptist Church, located at 801 Littlefield Dr. The sermon will be given by Reverend Leo McCarty of New Birth Full Gospel Assembly in San Angelo.

There will be a business meeting after Church services. The Dunbar Alumni Association Reunion Committee is asking for donation. Please donate through either PayPal at paypal.me/bfcolbert or CashApp at $barfay1.

Activities to be presented by volunteers during the reunion and parade, are also being signed up now.

For “ Show Your Talent” – dancing, acting, creative works, modeling, photogenic, singing, variety and instruments—contact Mrs. Clara Brown-Trimble at: cbtrtrim,60@gmail.com Cheerleaders of all ages, are needed for the parade.

Parade participants are needed, in order to make the parade a success. Anyone interested in the parade, is asked to contact one of he co- chairs: Marcell Patterson-Griffiths at (469) 878-2925, or Jerry Kemp at (214) 766-1152, to receive a form to be filled out.

A choir, comprised of Dunbar and Littlefield singers, are asked to contact Dee Dee Johnson at: dbjohnson0627@gmail.com Those forms have much valuable information concerning “how much, how to pay to reserve your admission, how many plan to come, etc., and much more, that will help in the planning.