Correcting Our Mistakes...

  • Correcting Our Mistakes...
    Correcting Our Mistakes...

Hello, how has everyone been? Once again sharing a thought that might enrich your life.

The topic I have chosen on this occasion is for everyone. No one is excluded and can say, “I have not made mistakes that need to be corrected” and if someone says it, we already know the first mistake they should correct, “not recognizing their faults”.

There are some words that king David said: “For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me”. What do we do when we know that something is wrong with our health? Surely we do not just stay quiet about it, we try to do something.

Do you think that not correcting our mistakes is like an illness? I am not speaking about your character or what kind of personality you have. Whichever character we have can produce good or bad things.

If we do not correct our mistakes, they become part of our life style and I hope we do not justify it by saying “that’s the way I am or a family member might say: “He is exactly like his father or his mother,” or some other relative.

With all respect this is an excuse that does not help at all to correct our mistakes. There are two things we should do if we want to be Overcomers: 1) Listen. Not to just anybody.

1) Listen. Not to just anybody. We decide who to share with and there are other methods: a book, the Bible, programs that help through the radio or television.

2.) Recognize. David gave us a good example, when he recognized his mistake. If we do not do it, we become arrogant and rebellious.

I hope I have blessed you with this topic.

Have a beautiful day

(Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)