Commissioners to meet Tuesday


A meeting of the Lamb County Commissioners’ Court will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021, in the Lamb County Courthouse, at which time the following subjects will be discussed and appropriate action taken, to-wit:

These subjects may or may not be discussed in the order shown. All items listed below as part of the called “Consent Agenda Items” require no deliberation by the Court. Each Court member has the prerogative of removing an item from this agenda so that it may be considered separately.

1. Call to order;

2. Public Comment (3 minutes max)

3. Consider and take appropriate action, Pursuant to Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, the public is hereby given notice that the Commissioners Court of Lamb County, Texas will convene in special session on the 2nd day of NOVEMBER 2021, at 11 a.m. to receive public comment on redistricting of county election, justice of the peace and commissioners court precincts. After the public hearing, the more alternative plans for the redistricting of County Commissioners Court precincts. The Court political boundaries, including the acceptance of new boundaries for the Commissioners Court precincts, modi-fication of any boundaries, and/ or tabling the pending proposals for later consideration and/or action.

The Public is invited to attend and to participate in this meeting. Those wishing to address the Court should sign a speakers request form provided for this purpose. Each speaker will be asked to come before the Court, identify themselves, provide their address, and inform the Commissioners Court of the Commissioners Court precinct and Election Precinct the speaker currently resides within. Comments should be reasonably concise and to the point. Questions will be answered, but the Court will not permit argument or excessive discussion of any particular topic. The hearing will be conducted under rules of judicial decorum. A tape recording of the hearing will be made of this hearing. Your comments will be transcribed and retained as a part of the permanent record of the proceeding.;

4. Adjournment

The Commissioners Court may take action on any of the above items. The Commissioners Court may meet in Executive Session on any of the above items as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, and pursuant to Government Code 537, sub-chapter D