Hospital Board to meet Tuesday


The Board of Managers of the Lamb County Healthcare Center, will meet at 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16th in the Education Room of Lamb Healthcare Center 1500 South Sunset, Littlefield, Texas.

After the call to order, an open forum will receive comment.

Minutes of Previous meeting will be considered for approval.

The financial report will be received.

The Medical Staff Report will include:

The Re-appointments for: Matthew Freeman, MD-Direct Radiology, Paul Ramirez, MD-Direct Radiology, Benjamin Park, DO-Direct Radiology.

Committee reports will be received.

Capital Equipment reports will be received.

Administrator’s report be received.

Administrator’s Evalutation will be received.

Executive Session - Lamb Healthcare Center Board of Directors will announce it will go into Executive Session if necessary, regarding and agenda item, and pursuant to Texas Government Code sections 551-086, as amended to receive advice from consult with legal counsel on pending or threatened litigation or settlement offer, to deliberate regarding real property to deliberate about gifts or donations; to discuss personnel matter; and/or matter involving competively sensitive information or new product lines.

They will then adjourn.