But Take Heart...

  • But Take Heart...
    But Take Heart...

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Where do you turn when it seems that everything is broken? Where do you turn when it seems like there is no hope? How do you keep going when it seems there is really nothing good in the future?

Dear friends I feel like questions like those are in the back of the minds of many people in the world. I don’t know anyone from Ukraine, but I cannot help but feel there could be many with those questions in their minds. Perhaps even people here in the United States as they look at the news of the events in Europe, and then see their world changing quickly, and might I add it doesn’t seem to be changing for the better! Well, that is where faith steps in!

The good news of Jesus Christ and Faith in Jesus Christ is that He is who He said He is! He is the one and only Son of God! In the verse I quoted above, Jesus is telling his Disciples that he wouldn’t be with them very much longer. In fact he basically said that he would be killed. He wasn’t going to die of natural causes. Can you imagine that? For three years these guys have followed Jesus, and watched him do things that were impossible. They heard him teach in a way and with such authority that they had come to believe that he was the Son of God only to be told the world would destroy him. Maybe some of them thought, “well, if Jesus can’t overcome the world in killing him, then it’s over. There is no hope left.” BUT…..

But Jesus didn’t stop there. No, Jesus went on to say “But take heart, I have overcome the world.” That’s where faith in Christ is so important! Do you believe that Jesus has overcome the world? As a follower and believer in Christ, I do believe He has overcome the world, and that He proved His power over the world by the resurrection from the dead! That means that no matter what happens as humanity sins against humanity, as evil rises up and people are hurt, killed, taken advantage of, used, etc. I know that He (Jesus) has the last word, and indeed that means he has overcome any and everything that happens in this world. He also was saying this as he told his disciples that one day He will return. I don’t know when that day will be, but I stand ready for Him to come, and on that day there will be no more of the pain and uncertainty we live in now! We will no longer live in brokenness, no hope, and with nothing good to look forward to! Instead we will live with Him, in a kingdom that cannot be breeched or broken, a kingdom with Jesus at the very center of our worship and where the Love of God flows like a mighty river. I have faith that will be the future for all believers! The only question left is: do you have that same faith? Do you believe Jesus has overcome? It is imperative for you to really address that question now in your heart. Don’t wait, for today is the day of salvation! Faith in Christ and salvation through His name gives us the assurance that no matter what we face in live, in and through Him we shall overcome as well!!