
Setting Our Mind on Things Above ...


So many things in life can cause us to lose our focus on God. Sometimes it’s the challenges of life. Sometimes it’s the worldly things we wish to acquire. Sometimes it’s heartbreak and betrayal. Sometimes it’s the pain.

When we focus on the right thing , everything in our lives begins to change for the better.

In this case it’s when we focus on the right ONE. When we do, we become more like Him, and our lives take on a new meaning.

As we fix our eyes on Jesus and strive to become more like Him each day, we will be transformed into His image with increasing glory. This is a beautiful thing, and it is what He desires for those of us who would receive and follow Him.

Scripture says in – Colossians 3:2 “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

This is a great Scripture to meditate on today and ask God to help us keep our minds focused on Him. He is faithful and will help us in this area of our lives. Amen. It’s a beautuful reminder for us to keep our minds focused on Jesus and the things of heaven, rather than getting entangled in the things and issues of this world. When we do this, our lives will be transformed and we will become more like Him.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and lose sight of what’s truly important. We can get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget to focus on the One who died for us. It’s essential that we keep our eyes on Jesus and make Him the center of our lives.

Here are some ways we can focus on the right One each day in our Lives: – Praying regularly and throughout the day. This helps us stay focused on God and His will for our lives.

– Reading The Bible. Reading Scripture is a great way to keep our minds focused on Jesus if not, the best way!

– Making Time for Worship. This is why going to church is so important. To set aside time each week to praise and worship God. This helps us keep our eyes on the prize – eternity with Him.

-- Serving Others. When we serve others with the right heart, we are serving Jesus Himself. This is a great way to keep our focus on Him.

Friends, the Benefits for keeping our eyes on the Prize are endless! But let me just name a few

• It helps us to become more like him.


• It enables us to live holy lives—not in our own strength, but by depending on Christ.


• It helps us to better be able to resist temptation and overcome sin.

• It strengthens us to do what is right and to avoid evil.


• It helps us to xperience his presence more deeply.


• It helps us to sense his nearness and feel his love for us more deeply

• It fills us with joy and peace, even in the midst of difficulties.


• As we gaze upon Jesus, we begin to understand Him more fully.


• It helps us to see His perfect love for us and are drawn into a deeper relationship with him.


• It helps lead us to worship Him and to serve Him more faithfully.

When our minds are filled with thoughts of Him, we are more likely to desire what He desires and do what He says. This doesn’t mean that we will never sin or struggle again. What it does mean is that, as we keep our eyes on Jesus, He will change us into His likeness. This transformation happens little by little, and it’s something we can all experience if we turn our hearts to Him.

In closing, Focusing on Jesus Christ is important because it leads to a personal relationship with Him. When we focus on Jesus and love him with all of our heart we become more like Him. We learn to love as He loves and to forgive as He forgives. He is truly our hope, our joy, and our peace. He is always with us, and He will never leave us.

Here is a Prayer we can all pray together for Focusing on the right One, “Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for reminding us to keep our minds focused on Jesus. Help us to do this, even when the things of this world try to distract us. Transform us into Your likeness, and use us for Your glory. In Jesus’ name” Amen & Amen With love, Your brother in Christ Jesus, Billy Montes