
Jesus Is Our Greatest Gift of All ...


I love Christmas for many reasons. I love the music and the anticipation. I love shopping for loved-ones and I love the Christmas cards I receive in the mail from so many wonderful people. Christmas is an amazing time of year… However, this may come as a shock to some, but Christmas is not about parties, white elephant gifts, presents, and sipping hot cocoa with family around a crackling fire.

Christmas is about our sin. It always has been—and it always will be. The single thing that brought Jesus all the way to earth was our sinful nature. Nothing could help us in our struggle. Our lack of perfect living created a Grand Canyon size separation from God and there was nothing we could do about it. But Christmas is the amazing story that Jesus left the opulence of Heaven and came all the way down to earth to save us. He came as a lowly baby, lived a perfect life, and died a terrible death in our place for our sins.

Red is the color of Christmas. But that isn’t because it’s the color of Santa’s suit, or our favorite decorations, or gift wrap. No, red is the color of Christmas because of the blood of Jesus Christ that would be shed. The cradle pointed to the cross. The Incarnation was for the Atonement. The birth of Jesus was for the death of Jesus.

I pray you have a true and genuine relationship with Jesus this Christmas. It really is the GREATEST gift of all. Merry Christmas Pastor Tanner Wilson

(Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)