
God alone gives us Strength ...


Dear friends, How many of us can admit that we have dealt with the struggle of insecurities at some point In our lives? Surely we all can.

Well one thing we know for certain Is that God’s purpose and plan for our lives is greater than we can ever imagine!

As we know, the Bible says that There is an adversary, the devil, who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8).

You must know that this enemy does not want you or me to grow into our full potential in Christ. The reason for this is because if we do then we may become an even greater threat to him than we already are. Satan has many tactics that he uses In the lives of God’s children, and one of these tactics that he uses against God’s children Is insecurity.

Insecurities stem from fear. It’s that feeling that tells us things like we don’t measure up or we’re not good enough, or there’s something wrong with us. These feelings of insecurity and inadequacy can take on all kinds of different forms.

The danger of these feelings is that they will have us turn away from God’s opportunities, whether it’s praying out loud, speaking in front of others, Serving in the body and in the church, or simply attending church service. Insecurities have the potential to cripple us from OBEDIENCE to God and ultimately from ever impacting this world In the way that Father God would desire to use us!

And so dear friends, can you see why the adversary would use this tactic of fear and insecurity in our lives? Because insecurities will cause you to run away from God’s very calling in your life!

What must we do then to walk and live with this kind of confidence and security that keeps us steadfast? How do we even begin to achieve this? We achieve this by not only knowing WHOSE we are, but especially knowing WHO we are in Christ Jesus.

(Ephesians 2:10) tells us- “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Amen!

Friends, our true Security is rooted in our Christ identity. God alone Gives us the COURAGE, God alone gives us the BOLDNESS, God alone gives us the STRENGTH, God alone gives us theASSURANCE, SECURITY & ABILITY to do what He has called us to do! Amen!

On those days that we doubt our security and worth, let us remember that we were worth so much to God that He would sacrifice His one and only Son for you and me and pay debt for your Sin with the Blood of Jesus Christ! (John 3:16) Amen & Amen.

With Love, Your brother in Christ, Billy Montes

(Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)