Keep Prespertive...

  • Keep Prespertive...
    Keep Prespertive...

Quite a month is ahead of us. Eschatology, the doctrine of last things, is the focus. Next Sunday, All Saints Day, we recall those who have died in the Lord. We reflect upon how to live is Christ and to die is gain. We leave this world to go to be with the Lord. We are one with the saints (believers in Jesus) of all generations. We think of Christ’s Victory over Death in His bodily resurrection; a victory He shares with all who trust in Him. A victory which assures us of both eternity and bodily resurrection.

We then swiftly turn to the Last Three Sundays of the traditional Church Year. We prepare for the reality of the bodily Second Coming of Christ with more focus upon the theme of Judgment. So different from the theme of hope as we look to His Coming, including the Second Coming, in the coming Advent Season.

We enter a time to reflect upon the great issues of life and death, time and eternity. How we stand before a Holy God, in the person of The Son, in the Great Day which concludes history and ushers in eternity in The New Heavens and New Earth.

As we reflect upon immortality, eternity, bodily resurrection and the end of the age, there is a message for us, in our world of elections and politics. The message is, “Keep perspective.” As we ponder the Day when every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father, we realize we have duties and responsibilities in this world today. Yet, these duties are under the place of God’s Son in our lives.

Electoral participation at all levels is an important part of our God-given Calling as citizens, but not our highest individual or corporate Calling. Our greatest Calling is to believe in Jesus Christ - the eternal Son of God become flesh. Our greatest commitment is to Him. We have a Calling to tell people that Jesus has done all that is needful to restore peoples of all races to a right relationship with the Father.

Politics is important. However, political powers pale in significance when compared to what we reflect upon in the weeks ahead. In the coming weeks we turn attention away from the headlines to prepare ourselves for the physical Second Coming of Christ - who comes again as both Judge and Savior.

In days ahead, people will be tempted to despair over election outcomes. Media and politicians will make the world look to revolve around current events. Have confidence! The true God rules.

You may feel anxiety as people read headlines into the Bible. Ask instead, “What did the Bible mean when written and to whom it was written?” “How would early Christians understand the scriptures?”

Instead of election anxiety, look anew to Jesus! Keep perspective. Focus on the basics. Remember, the Second Coming can occur in any generation. Jesus will come again as Judge over the nations and Savior of His people. God is the true Ruler over history.

(Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)