Giving Your Word and Keeping It ...



  • Giving Your Word
    Giving Your Word

When we speak about the salvation of our soul, we are told “that the person will persevere”. It isn’t that today they say I am going to seek the things of God and later on thinks differently.

Imagine that it’s one of our children, we say he (she) isn’t mine, later on we confess that it is. This makes no sense. We know that unstable people exists, the Bible calls them double minded.

There is not any business that will use workers with this kind of conduct. Marriages will not last very long, athletics will for sure fail and a coach will not have his contract renewed, no one wants an insecure person.

The apostle James says in chapter 5:12 “ that your yes be yes and your no be no”. Let’s look at some real situations: 1. A friendship. I have friends that have been my friends for more than 50 years. As well as I have friends in which our friendship has become cold because on instability. They promise something and then they do not fulfill.

You are not asking me but I analyze my conduct when I have situations of instability to see if I am the reason for it.

Another situation. 2. I have worked in businesses where I have had to fire someone because they do not produce and use many excuses. In some cases it has hurt me to have taken this decision but naturally I could not cause harm to the place where I had been trusted as an employee.

3. At the function I exercise now and have for many years as pastor, I have had to confront some situations of instability. I hope you can understand me, it is not easy at a church and there is the expectation of changes in the person and there have been in some but many times there is none.

There is an element that helps and it’s “INTREGITY”. It can be defined as a person: honorable and worthy of respect.

I hope this article helps you in some way. God bless you.

(Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)