Volunteers being honored on National Volunteer Week


The 47th Anniversary of National Volunteer Week, April 18 – 24, 2021, is spotlighting the many millions of volunteers all across the country, and particularly those in Lamb County, both youth and adult, who serve as club and project leaders, for the 4-H Youth Development Program this year.

This year’s theme for National Volunteer Week is Celebrate Service! It is an opportunity to shine a light on the people and their causes that inspire us to serve.

Points of Light, an organization dedicated to volunteer service, states that: “Volunteerism empowers individuals to find their purpose, to take their passion and turn it into meaningful change. When each of us, in our own way, answers the call to make a difference, we make progress in solving our most persistent problems, and create stronger communities and a more just society.”

This week provides us with an opportunity to celebrate the selfless service of our dedicated volunteers and the work they do to help AgriLife Extension identify the communities’ needs and share the educational resources of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

Volunteers involve themseles in programs such as Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, Master Wellness, 4-H Youth Development, or on local committees focused on the specific areas such as agriculture, natural resources, family and community health or youth development.

The Texas 4-H Youth Development Program relies heavily on the work of volunteers. In 2020, more than 26,000 adult and youth volunteers contributed countless hours in various capacities to the 4-H youth in their Texas communities.

In Lamb County, there are volunteers, both youth and adult, who will serve as club leaders, project leaders, committee members, and in advisory capacities for the 4-H Youth Development Program this year.

Lamb County Extension Agent Kyle Howard complimented the local leaders: “The impact that our voluteers have on our kids is immeasurable, they show guidance, patience, love and have great hearts.”

AgriLife Extension volunteers spend numerous hours working on tasks, such as leading educational programs, providing guidance and ideas regarding community needs, maintaining gardens, helping organize events at the county fair, helping a child with a 4-H project, or leading a project to serve the community.

“Our volunteers work tirelessly on contests, teaching our kids and helping with all aspects of 4-H,” Agent Howard stated.

He continued: “I do not believe that without our volunteers, would we have as much success as we do in 4-H. The volunteers that we have help us accomplish so much more, than if we did not have them.”

AgriLife Exension Volunteers are just one group of volunteers who are instrumental in carrying out the mission of the Texas A&M AgriLife Service. Volunteers are involved in every aspect of the Extension Service, including deternining the needs of the residents, planning, and implementing programs to address these needs, securing resources, and evaluating programs.

Thank you, to all AgriLife Extensin volunteers for the impact ou make on the people and communities around you.

Judge’s 4-H Proclamation

Monday, Lamb County Judge James M. DeLoach issued and signed a Lamb County 4-H Volunteer Proclamation

*WHEREAS volunteering of one’s time and resources is a fundamental part of our country’s tradition and is essential to its spirit, and.

* WHEREAS it is increasingly more evident that our nation’s greatest resource is its people and.

*WHEREAS volunteers have shown that they truly care and share generously of themselves, and. *WHEREAS volunteerism is increasingly recognized as a central partner with government, education, and industry in doing the work of our nation, and.

*WHEREAS volunteers in the Lamb County 4-H program enable youth of Lamb County to develop and utilize their life skills, effectively use their resources, and more fully extend the knowledge of the university to the people, and more fully

*WHEREAS volunteerism directly reflects the democratic principles upon which this nation was founded, in that everyoe, regardless of circumstance, position, or other factors can volunteer, and.

*WHEREAS we are seeking even more contributions of human resources in volunteerism and better application of these valuable contributions:

*THEREFORE, we wish to honor and to thank the dedicated 4-H Volunteers of Lamb County who give so freely of their valuable time, energy, and abilities by proclaiming this week of April 18-24, 2021, to be officially designated as National Volunteer Week in Lamb County.

*And in doing so, I call all citizens of Lamb County to help renew and sustain the spirit and vitality of this great nation by committing a portion of their time to address the needs of their communities through voluntary action.

Signed this 12 day of April, 2021 by James M DeLoach County Judge.