
God’s Grace is Great!...


Littlefield’s First United Methodist Church “But while he was still a long

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” Luke 14:34

Do you know what keeps a lot of people from believing in God, or even just checking in on or investigating who God is by going to a church? For the most part, it is our past! Without even being told, we are aware of our shortcomings. You know things that we think or do that we know are hurtful to ourselves or to other people. The bible calls that sin. And again, whether we call it sin or not, we just know when we fall short. And if we fall short often, then it doesn’t take very long to get into our minds that we have some very terrible dark sides to ourselves.

Then whether we grew up in church or never have even been in a church building, there is a sense that we certainly will not measure up to God, and that there is no way that He would forgive us. “If he only knew what I’ve done, there is no way He would forgive me!” “I’m not like one of those good church people.” Well, guess what? We are all in the same boat. The bible says that we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. That means none of us deserve to be in the presence of God. But here’s something you need to know that is more important than that. God’s grace is greater than all of our sin. What does that mean you might ask? It means that God loves you

It means that God loves you despite your past, and despite the mess you are in now, and even despite the mistakes you will make in the future. That is what grace is! That is why it is so Amazing! In the story from Luke which I cited one verse from above a young man has really messed up and has lost everything. The bible says he “comes to his senses” and decides he is just going to try his luck with his father back home. He doesn’t believe it will work, but he has decided that is the only way he might live. And then comes this beautiful picture, the father sees him from way off, and and throws his arms around him in a huge hug and kisses him. Later in the story we find that the Father has restored him completely to His family. This story was told by Jesus

This story was told by Jesus our Lord and Savior. The one who made a way for us to come back home to the Father. This story was told by him to say to you, that your past can be forgiven, and you could have a glorious future. Won’t you come home to Him today? As one who has been far away from God and came to my senses only to find the loving God just waiting for me, I can tell you that there really is nothing like the Love of our Father in heaven manifested through Jesus Christ!!

(Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)