Palm Sunday ...

  • Palm Sunday ...
    Palm Sunday ...

Palm Sunday is wrapped in traditions. We celebrate Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem. Holy Week begins. When I lived in the Rio Grande Valley we tied fresh cut Date Palm branches to the pews. They’d tower over a person who walked into the sanctuary.

We forget that the first Palm Sunday was also wrapped in tradition. The Palm Tree, with its leaves, was a symbol of Jewish nationalism. Coinage would include the Palm as a symbol of the Jewish nation.

Jesus rides into the city as he planned. He rides on a Colt, the foal of a donkey as promised in Zechariah 9:9. He’s made the arrangements, but why? Why is this relatively unimpressive but sure-footed beast his choice of entry? The donkey was the Royal Animal associated with the House of David - the Kings in David’s line.

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,” shout the people. They quote from Psalm 118:26. The theme is one of celebration for Victory.

The crowds greet the pilgrims. They’ve come to the city to celebrate the Passover - when God passed over Israel and slew the firstborn of Egypt.

Jesus entering Jerusalem rides to make a statement as he rides to die. He identifies himself as heir of the House of David. He presents himself as a victorious King. Yet, his victorious ride leads to the cross where he is the Paschal Lamb for the sins of the world. With this ride, on this Sunday of the Passion, he sets the stage for the defeat of death - a victory visible on Resurrection Sunday.

(Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)