Oh, Let Us Testify! ...

  • Oh, Let Us Testify! ...
    Oh, Let Us Testify! ...

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray to find you in good Spirit and good health in Jesus Name.

Going through life, we sometimes face many challenges, trials, and just really difficult situations that seem like they won’t go away. We sometimes desire certain things, and we pray and ask God to grant these things to us. When God hears us and delivers us from those difficult situations or grants those things we’d been praying for, telling someone about it and testifying of God’s goodness and faithfulness could be more important than we sometimes think.

I remember listening to or reading certain testimonies of some awesome things God did for some people and just felt my spirit stir up within me and I got the - “if-God-did-it-for-them, He-can-do-it-for-me” feeling.

We must never underestimate the power of testifying what God has done for us, telling it even just to one person could do much more than we think!

The Bible says in- (Psalms 66:16 NIV) ‘Come and hear, all you who fear God, let me tell you what he has done for me”.

We are not only commanded, but we are even encouraged to testify of God’s goodness. There are many reasons for this, but here are just a few:

#1- It is an act of thanksgiving and worship to God

The Psalms are filled with prayers and hymns of thanksgiving David gave unto God. He would say things like - (Ps 118:13 NIV) “I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me”. (Ps 138:3 NIV) ‘when I called, you answered me…’

What I find more amazing than anything is that we all know David did not have an easy life, yet his focus and his praise was on God.

Many times in life we only praise God through the good and never through the bad. But David understood something that we can all take notes on today. David understood that when he Testified through difficulties, his problems would then begin to pale compared to the Goodness of God!

Our focus on God, gets our focus off of ourselves.

David’s testimonies of God’s greatness were great acts of worship to God. David pleased God so much that he is called- ‘a man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22)

Testifying is recommending God to someone as a great solution to any problem, and that is a great act of worship

#2 - It not only edifies the listener but also the one who testifies:

Reading through David’s testimonies of God’s goodness, I still get edified today! I get encouraged because the same God David served is the same God I’m serving, so if God could do it back then for David, then surely, He can still do it for me today.

Telling of what God has done for you, has a way of stirring up faith in people and encouraging them especially when they are going through the same situation you went through. Oh if we only knew the benefits of Sharing with others what God has done and is doing even now!

#3- It puts the devil to shame and frustrates his plans:

The devil is God’s hater, and he isn’t happy when you talk about God in any way! Especially when you tell of His goodness and faithfulness.

(Rev 12:11) We triumph over the enemy with the word of our testimony. When you testify, you are letting someone know the truth and exposing the lies the enemy tells them when they are going through trials and difficult times. With the word of your testimony, you overcome the evil one. Oh, how I love to frustrate the enemy!

#4- Testifying confirms our faith in God:

Sometimes when good things happen to people, they credit it to ‘chance’ or ‘luck’ or maybe their own abilities and strengths. They say- “it was by chance that this happened to me…” or “I was very lucky that didn’t happen…”, But as Christians, we know that scripture says in- (James 1:17) every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father, when we testify, we are actually confirming in whom our faith lies and acknowledging in whom we believe in.

So be sure to testify of the good things God has done for you! Do not underestimate them and keep them to yourself, tell somebody about it. There is great power in your testimony. Above all, your life is the greatest testimony you can give about the love of our Lord, so let your life tell the story!

With Love, Your brother in Christ, Billy Montes