Littlefield is spraying to control mosquitoes


The City of Littlefield is monitoring for mosquitoes, and has scheduled spraying dates.

Spraying of the entire city will begin three nights a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, to try to control mosquitoes. It will cut back on spraying to Tuesday and Thursday when the current infestation is under control.

If the weather does not permit, then spraying will be done late in the evening, the following Wednesday or Friday evening. MosquitoMist (organophosphate, Chlorpyrifos) will be used.

The city is treating standing water in the parks with a larvacide to prevent mosquitoes from hatching in them.

When you go outside, you may want to wear long sleeves and slacks. Spray yourself with a mosquito repellent containing DEET or whatever you prefer.

Reduce the mosquito habitat around your home by mowing, cutting weeds, spraying shrubs and around property, and emptying standing water daily.

If anyone has allergies to these chemicals, please submit that information in writing.

For further information, please contact Lance Parker, Public Works Director for the City at 385-9202 (ext. 208), or the City Secretary at 485-1204 direct #.