LHC Board of Managers holds special meeting Thurs.


The Lamb County Hospital Board of Mangers held a special meeting on Thursday, Feb. 9th at 12 noon, in the Education Room of Lamb Healthcare Center.

The meeting was called to order at 12:02 p.m. by President, Carla Synatschk and the Invocation was given by Johnny Rosemond.

Synatschk spoke briefly during the public comment portion of the meeting, saying, “This is my second meeting and I’ve decided that I want to start having prayer before we meet to pray over our decisions, and I’ve asked Johnny to pray over us today.”

The minutes from the previous meeting on Jan. 17th, were approved with the motion being made by Rosemond and seconded by secretary, Jeni D. Brunson. The motion carried.

CEO Cindy Klein introduced the guests that were present at the meeting starting with Brent Fuller from Durbin and Co.

“They do our audits and cost reports and help us with all kinds of stuff,” she said. “Gary Luker, who is retired from Luker Pharmacy. He’s come out of retirement to help some of the smaller rural facilities.”

She added, “Kenna House is going to be over our sleep lab, should it be approved today. Billy Tiller is also with us today, as well as Micah and Kelly Pratt and the Newspaper.

Synatschk made a motion to enter into Executive session and it was seconded by Evan Maxwell. The motion carried.

Pursuant to Government Code 551, sub-chapter D, went into Executive Session at 12:09 p.m. to discuss some items on the agenda. The Board returned from Executive session at 2:50 p.m.

Brunson made a motion to continue plans to establish a sleep lab, which include searching for real estate and equipment needed and it was seconded by Steve Busby. The motion pass five to two.

Maxwell made a motion to terminate the hospital’s contract with Macro Helix and switch to Pharmacare, with Gary Luker overseeing the account and it was seconded by Busby. The motion passed unanimously.

Busby made a motion to allow Luker to negotiate future pharmacy projects and it was seconded by Booner Smith. The motion passed unanimously.

With no further business to discuss, Brunson made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Smith. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m.