Lamb County 4-H and Sudan FFA students take supplies to Fire victims

  • Lamb County 4-H and Sudan FFA students take supplies to Fire victims
    Lamb County 4-H and Sudan FFA students take supplies to Fire victims
  • Lamb County 4-H and Sudan FFA students take supplies to Fire victims
    Lamb County 4-H and Sudan FFA students take supplies to Fire victims
  • Lamb County 4-H and Sudan FFA students take supplies to Fire victims
    Lamb County 4-H and Sudan FFA students take supplies to Fire victims

“Today I was a very proud agent and member of Lamb County,” Brandon Albus said. “Lamb County 4-H and Sudan FFA were able to take feed, hay, milk replacer, mineral tubes, $1,000 worth of food and personal care items and $700 in gift cards to take to Pampa and Borger for the Fire Victims. The communities opened their hearts and helped us load three cars and two trailers. We don’t teach kids how to compete in contest or show livestock, we strive to teach them how to do good in the world and help those in need. I am beyond blessed to be an agent in my home county and have the best of the best backing me when I ask.”