Current Situation

  • KERRY SIDERS, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension IPM Agent, Hockley, Cochran & Lamb Counties
    KERRY SIDERS, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension IPM Agent, Hockley, Cochran & Lamb Counties

That was an abrupt end to summer.

We are fortunate that we only dipped to 38 degrees, as compared to at or nearer freezing not too far north of us. Freeze damage to crops now would be devastating. So, the cold temperatures we did experience should only result in a few days of maturity lost.

As far along as we are on this cotton crop, I would say it will be a very small blip on the seasons radar. In general, most all pivots were turned off last week on cotton. It is the drip cotton that will most likely require that we water a bit more to finish it out. If you did not shut it off the last few days, I would say water till this weekend (9/12) and shut off. If you did shut drip off earlier this week you will benefit from watering another +1” or 4-6 days. This allows those youngest, last set bolls to be of sufficient age and maturity that minimal stress after this weekend will not hurt, if the plant recovers by the following morning after a hot afternoon.