Commissioners s handle 15-item agenda


Tuesday morning, Oct. 13, 2020, Lamb County Commissioners conducted a regular business meeting, where they took care of 15 items on their agenda.

Of those, eight of the items were included in the consent agenda items, that were approved in one vote.

The meeting was called to order by Lamb County Judge James M. DeLoach, who led the Pledges to the U.S. and Texas flags.

There was no one who made a commment on any of the agenda items, so the consent agenda items were considered:

a). Minutes from the previous meetings of Sept. 28 and Oct. 5 were considered for approval.

b). There were no Budget and Salary amentments and/or line-item transfers to be made.

c). Bills presented by the County Auditor included: $76,807.20 for Lamb County and $446,139.40 for Lamb Healthcare Center, for a total of $522,946.60.

d). Payrolls presented by the Lamb County Treasurer included: $142,308.61 for Lamb County, and $176,292.35 for Lamb Healthcare Center.

e). Departmental reports were considered for approval.

f). Interlocal Fire Agreements for Amherst, Earth, Littlefield, Olton, Springlake and Sudan were reviewed, and found to be about the same as in previous years.

g). Tax Deeds on two properties were approved for bids of $50 each, that were offered by Juan David Perez of Littlefield.

h). The county’s burn ban was approved to begin again Tuesday, Oct. 13, and continue for a 90-day period.

All of the consent Agenda items were approved in one unanimous vote.

4. The yearly interlocal EMS Agreements between the county and the cities of Amherst, Earth, Littlefield, Olton, Springlake and Sudan were approved. Judge DeLoach explained that the allocated amount for ambulance purchases, will be offered to the cities, when it is their time to receive the funding, on the rotation list. The cities will be responsible for making the ambulance purchases.

Cities may delay a purchase, and save the money allocated, to match it with other money saved for ambulance, or if it is spent for some thing else bu the fire departments; they must tell the Judge what they did with the money. 5. The Public Notice on the county’s Indigent Health Care Program was approved, to be posted in the Courthouse hallway.

6. 4-H Updates were presented by the three Agrilife Extension Agents, who reported what they have done during the year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 7. Future Agenda items discussed included the presentation of the Holiday schedule calendar at the next meeting; and the County’s Thanksgiving Luncheon will be served Friday, Nov. 20, prior to Thanksgiving day, Nov.26, 2020.

The meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.