Commissioners meet in regular session Wednesday


The Commissioners Court of Lamb County convened at 10 a.m. on December 28, 2022 for a regular session at the Lamb County Courthouse at Littlefield, Texas. Members present included; James DeLoach, County Judge presiding, Cory Deberry, Commissioner Precinct 1, Kent Lewis, Commissioner Precinct 2, Danny Short, Commissioner Precinct 3, Lee Logan, Commissioner Precinct 4 and Tonya Ritchie, Lamb County Clerk. Judge James DeLoach called the meeting to order at 10:02am, He then led the Pledges of Allegiance to the United States and the Texas flags respectively.

His first order of business was to inquire after public comments. No public comments were presented.

The next order of business was consent agenda items.

Consider and take appropriate action on minutes from previous regular meeting held on December 12, 2022; Consider and take appropriate action on budget and salary amendments and/or line item transfers. None were reported; Consider and take appropriate action on bills presented by the County Auditor, Gina Jones; Consider and take appropriate action on payroll presented by County Treasurer, Jerry Yarbrough; Consider and take appropriate action on departmental reports, Consider and take appropriate action on a Tax Deed R16186 for $600.00 by Antonio Hinojosa for two lots with a small stucco house at 501 Henderson, Amherst, Texas 79312.

Consider and take appropriate action on donations for the Littlefield Library of $595.00 and a new sign.

Motion was made by Commissioner Lee Logan and seconded by Commissioner Danny Short to approve the consent agenda items. The vote being called for and all voting Aye, the motion carried and ordered approved.

The next order was to consider and take appropriate action on the Treasurer’s Quarter Report. The motion to Approve the Treasurer’s Quarter Report was made by Commissioner Cory DeBerry and seconded by Commissioner Danny Short. The vote being called for and all voting Aye the motion carried and so ordered.

The court next considered action to approve Bonds on all Elected Officials that were subject to the November 2022 election. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Danny Short and seconded by Lee Logan. The motion passed unanimously.

The Court next considered action on the appointment of Rickie Redman as County Attorney to fill the unexpired term of Scott Say and to approve her bond. The Motion to Approve her appointment and her bond was made by Commissioner Kent Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Lee Logan to approve the appointment of Rickie Redman as the County Attorney. The vote was unanimously approved and so ordered.

The Court then considered action on the South Plains Region Mutual Aid Agreement; A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Kent Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Danny Short to accept the South Plains Region Mutual Aid Agreement. The vote was called for and the motion was unanimously approved.

The next action on the agenda was to discuss Lamb Healthcare Center operations. No operations were discussed.

The final order of business on the agenda was future agenda items.

Kathy Lostroh was recognized on her first day as the Family Consumer Science Agent in the Lamb County Extension Office.

Brandon Albus, on the occasion of his one year anniversary, gave report and the schedule of the Stock Shows/sale scheduled to begin on January 6, 2023.

Nine 4H representatives gave reports, and presented Christmas gifts to Judge DeLoach and the Commissioners.

Outside Auditors would be in the Lamb County Courthouse on January 3rd and 4th.

On Sunday, January 1, 2023, a special session of the Commissioners Court will convene at 2:00pm to swear in Elected Officials in the District Courtroom.

A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Lee Logan and seconded by Commissioner Danny Short. The motion carried unanimously and the court was adjourned.