Commissioners conduct special meeting Tuesday


Tuesday morning, Sept. 8, Lamb County Commissioners conducted a brief special business meeting.

With Lamb County Judge James M. DeLoach presiding, after the call to order, he offered the invocation, and led the Pledges to the U.S. and Texas flags.

There was no one who wished to make a comment on the agenda items.

There was only one consent agenda item to be considered. It was the approval of the bills presented by the Lamb County Auditor: They were $66,450,72 for Lamb County, and $213,250.77 from Lamb Healthcare Center’s account, for a total of $279,701.44 in total bills ordered paid.

Did not approve special payroll Commissioners voted not to

Commissioners voted not to approve the deferring of payroll obligations to county employees, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.

Since the payroll received by an employee, had to be paid back, the commissioners voted not to approve that agenda item.

Retiree Medical Renewal

The 2021 Retiree Medical Program Renewal with Texas Association of Counties (TAC) was approved. There were no major changes in the existing Retiree Medical Program, so the renewal was approved.

Advertising for bids approved

Commissioners voted to advertise to receive sealed bids for the purchase and hauling of caliche, to follow some of the requirements for a grant.

Budget discussions

A bried discussion was held on changes in the proposed 2020-2021 fiscal year budget.

Judge DeLoach reminded the commissioners to look over the budget, so they would be ready when the budget is approved.

The meeting adjourned at 10:46 a.m.