Commissioners conduct end-of-month meeting


Monday morning, Aug. 31, 2020, Lamb County Commission-ers conducted an end-of-the-month business meeting.

Following the call to order by Lamb County Judge, James M. DeLoach, he gave the invocation, followed by the Pledges of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas Flags.

He opened the Public Comments, concerning any agenda item, but no one made a comment.

The Consent Agenda items were then presented for consideration for appropriate action.

Minutes from the Monday, Aug. 24, meeting were considered to be in order, and were later approved with all of the other consent agenda items.

There were no budget and salary amendments, and or line-item transfers to be made.

Bills presented by the Lamb County Auditor, included $57,642.21 for Lamb County, and $32,172.97 from Lamb Healthcare Center’s account, for a total of $89,815.18 in bills to be paid.

There were no payrolls submitted by the County Treasurer, that were to be paid.

There were no departmental reports presented for consideration.

There were four tax lots that were approved for sale for a total of $1,250 from the four bidders.

The consent agenda items, were approved unanimously.

4. Commissioners approved the 2021 SAVNS Grant Contract. The SAVNS program notifies crime victims, so they will be aware of when the inmate is being released from prison.

5. Commissioners authorized the advertisement for sealed bids for sealcoat paving to be done in Precinct 4.

6. A public meeting was called for 10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 14, 2020, when commissioners will consider setting the tax rate and approval of the 2020-2021 fiscal year Lamb County budget.

7. Commissioners voted to amend the General Election Order for Nov. 3, 2020.

Along with the national and state candidates on the ballot, all cities and schools that will be voting on their council members and school board members, will also be voting in the Nov. 3 general election. Tables will be set up for each of the different elections, at the polling places.

An Early Voting Branch was approved to be held in Olton. Also, on election day, voting in Olton is being considered to be done in the Olton Ag Pavilion.

8. Commissioners also approved resolutions for the joint elections, subject to approval by the County Attorney.

9. Judge DeLoach encouraged the commissioners to look over the budget, “to keep it conservative” prior to its approval when they meet Sept. 14.