City Council holds Special Meeting Tuesday


The governing body of the City of Littlefield met for a special meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 20th at the City Council Chambers, 525 Phelps Avenue, for the purpose of considering all matters and related incidents to the City of Littlefield.

Council members present were Eric Turpen, Mayor; Michael Rangel, Mayor Pro tempore, and District 2; Ben Warren, District 1; Buddy Holmes, District 3; and Kenny Rucker, District 4.

Others were City Manager, Mitch Grant, and City Secretary, Janine Butler. One staff member was in the audience.

Mayor Eric Turpen called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., then gave the invocation, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

No one requested to make comments on any of the agenda items.

The motion to approve the minutes of the Sept. 22 meeting was made by Council Member Kenny Rucker, seconded by Mayor pro tempore Michael Rangel, and the motion passed unanimously.

City Manager Mitch Grant recommended that the council take no action on the agenda item to Consider and Approve an Interlocal Governmental Cooperation Contract for Administrative Services for Grant Administration of a Grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife for Construction of the Aquatic Center. No action was taken.

On the agenda item of Considering and Approval of a Proposal for Aquatic Center (Municipal Swimming Pool) Construction, and Authorize Execution of Contract; following a discussion regarding Texas Park & Wildlife communications, the motion to approve the Atlantis bid with alternates 1, 4, & 5 and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract was made by Council Member Kenny Rucker, and seconded by Mayor pro tempore Michael Rangel. The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Turpen adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m.