Amazing Grace ...


Littlefield’s First United Methodist Church

  • Amazing Grace
    Amazing Grace

“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.” 2 Timothy 1:9

If you are reading this article, I want to start with a heart-felt question. When it comes to thinking about God, do you sometimes want to turn away because you believe that all of the things you have done before God puts you in a place that even if you wanted to, there is nothing that can be done?

Maybe, you say something like “Yes, I have heard of the Grace of God, but I’ve done to much, Grace can’t be for me!

This weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to serve on a team on a retreat called “The Walk to Emmaus.” On this Walk, I and a team of about 30 did all we could to reveal to other men, that God’s grace is there for all people.

I had a friend who was a “pilgrim”, or a person who was participating in the walk, attending this walk. I have been friends with this man since college, which was almost thirty years ago. I have talked and shared Bible verses with this friend for years about God’s grace, but for some reason, he said he just never could understand it, and because he couldn’t understand it, he couldn’t believe it.

Well, praise be to God during these last three days, he did come to really understand that he hadn’t done too much to be outside of the love of God, and that the marvelous Grace that played out on the Cross of Calvary was for him too.

In short, he said “Danny, I finally see it, I finally understand Grace! I finally realize that I can leave all of the baggage in my life and am forgiven. I love this amazing grace!”

He went on to say that he had believed in God for what seemed like all of his life, but never understood grace. That’s when I asked him if he had ever prayed to God and received his Grace through the saving works of Christ on the cross? He said “no”, and that night we prayed and he received the life-changing Grace of God through Christ Jesus!!

Whoever you are, as you are reading this column, there is not a pastor in this town that doesn’t want you to know this Grace for yourself. We want you to know that grace is there for you and it is very easy to receive.

Just call out to the one and only Jesus, and know that what He did on the cross in taking away the sin of the world, he did for you!! I hope for all of you, that you come to the full understanding of the Amazing Grace God has provided and given to YOU!!!

May the Grace of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ Be with YOU ALWAYS!

(Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)