2021 Planting Season: Slow but Progressing


Planting activity in the Plains Cotton Growers service area has been hit or miss the past few weeks with the main questions of: Do we start and when will we start? The drought conditions in the area have had many producers scratching their heads trying to determine the best course of action to take for the 2021 crop.

This past week, much of the PCG area welcomed very timely rainfall. However, there are still pockets in the area that are desperate for some rain. Though we are not out of the drought, every drop helps, and we will continue to pray for rain.

The general feeling around the Friday morning Plains Cotton Growers Advisory Group roundtable meeting was hope. According to producers this morning, around the PCG service area, the rainfall totals varied from 0.5 inch to upwards of 5 inches in some parts of the area this past week. The northern service area is dealing with colder temperatures mixed with rain, while the southern portion is still hoping for more rain.

According to the West Texas Mesonet in the past five days, Northeast Amarillo has received 2.49 inches of rain, Plainview 0.53, Southeast Lubbock 1.02, and Lamesa has received 1.18 inches.

“It’s a great feeling to be in the field and dodging a storm rolling in”, said Jeremy Brown, producer in Dawson County and PCG Executive Committee member.

The market demand is holding steady with December futures trading at 82.50 cents at press time, but many around the world continue to watch the West Texas area with additional rain chances over the next week to ten days as the northwest regional planting deadline approaches.