
17 SWEEPSTAKES – In 18 years, Miss Bonnie Anderson has led the Marchin’ Cats to 17 Sweepstakes. Mike Read presented Miss A with a certificate of honor and appreciation in recognition of her unwaivering work and commitment to the students of Littlefield ISD. “I just want to say thank you. I’ve been here 29 years and I can truly say that I never thought I would stay, but each year got better and better and it is because of the support of the school board and the support of the parents,” Miss A said. “I do know that I am hard to deal with, but I also know that I appreciate the respect that you guys give the program and all of the kids and the support that you give me and all of the kids. Everybody thinks they know when I am going to retire, but I don’t even know when I’m going to retire because I still like it and I can still get up and go to school and it is never the same, it is always diferent.”