Ricky Yantis

  • Ricky Yantis
    Ricky Yantis

Left photo: Ricky Yantis presented a $1,000 check to Lance Broadhurst representing First Baptist Church’s Food Bank program; Middle photo: Shelby’s Bridge in Sudan was the recipient of a $2,500 donation from the Lamb County Farm Bureau. Donna Smith accepts the check from Ricky Yantis on behalf of the non-profit in Sudan, Texas that provides job and social skills training for adults with disabilities. Shelby’s Bridge also works with students from all school districts in Lamb County as well as from surrounding counties. To learn more about Shelby’s Bridge, see their website at http:// www.shelbysbridge.org.; Right photo: Kathy Mills with Amherst Ministerial Alliance also received a $1,000 check from Yantis. (Submitted Photos)