Littlefield Primary Holds STREAM Event

  • A youngster plays in the cafeteria during the STREAM event held at the Littlefield Primary School. (Photo by Ann Reagan)
    A youngster plays in the cafeteria during the STREAM event held at the Littlefield Primary School. (Photo by Ann Reagan)
  • Littlefield Primary Students along with their parents work on projects during the STREAM family event held on Monday, April 14, 2024. (Photo by Ann Reagan)
    Littlefield Primary Students along with their parents work on projects during the STREAM family event held on Monday, April 14, 2024. (Photo by Ann Reagan)
  • Littlefield Student Council volunteers assist primary students with their STREAM project during the STREAM family event. (Photo by Ann Reagan)
    Littlefield Student Council volunteers assist primary students with their STREAM project during the STREAM family event. (Photo by Ann Reagan)
  • These Littlefield Student Council members assisted Littlefield Primary during the STREAM family event. They are shown with the basket of prizes raffled off during the event. (Photo by Ann Reagan)
    These Littlefield Student Council members assisted Littlefield Primary during the STREAM family event. They are shown with the basket of prizes raffled off during the event. (Photo by Ann Reagan)

The Littlefield Primary School hosted a STREAM educational family event on Monday, April 15, 2024. STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Arts, and Mathematics) education is approach that integrates subject areas into teaching and learning process.

At the primary level, Science is introduced through hands-on ac-tivities like simple experiments which encourages curiosity and observation. Technology focuses on age appropriate technology such as basic computer skills, introducing educational applications and exploring technology’s impact on our lives. Religion can involve discussions about values, kindness, and empathy as well as exploring different faith traditions and encouraging respect for diverse beliefs. Engineering simplifies engineering concepts by having students build simple structures and machines, explore simple machines, and solve design challenges which fosters creativity and problem solving. Arts lets students express themselves through drawing, painting, music, and movement while exploring famous artists and their works.

Mathematics makes math fun using games, puzzles, and real-world examples. It teaches basic arithmetic, patterns, and spatial reasoning.

STREAM is not rigid and it can adapt to the developmental needs of young students.

Littlefield Primary students worked on various projects such as designing a shade for Ferdinand the Bull, creating a Hoverboard for the Tooth Fairy, Inventing a toy or game, and building a Go-Go Grab It tool for My Friend Rabbit.

The staff also held a fund-raiser. A beautiful basket of goodies was raffled off following the activities. The cafeteria was also available for supervised play during the event.